Posted by Tommy D 0 comments
Wednesday Night Open Mic

Posted by Tommy D 0 comments
Thinking of a Phone Line
I'm a nice guy
with nice ties. Too quick to tie knots
in relation-ships towards a destination seeming like
(Imagine if she went by...Destiny)
and how false it would be,
to call her by name
to text her, thinking
I'm communicating with fate,
consummating a communion crazed with coined-tossed characteristics
her words dropping like anvils
deconstructs schisms of the surreal
til everything becomes what they are
and one world exists,
devoid of fantasy
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Posted by Tommy D 2 comments
Take(s) Action
Been sleeping for a while now (on my writing), while falling asleep on schedule every night. It's a problem; a formula is needed.
On the other hand, I've been reading on a consistent basis. Very happy about that. Just started reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison...and it's dope (even though I just finished the first chapter). Took me about a whole 2 days to get through his intro and actually UNDERSTAND it. He creates light out of contradiction...being contradictory with a very creative character...see what I'm saying (lol). More to come on this book later...
Currently in the process of recreating habits (reading at home...writing on the move) Good luck to me...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Posted by Tommy D 3 comments
I'm Beamin' - Official Video
Dopest ARTIST in the game right now.
I present to you the official video of Lupe Fiasco's "I'm Beamin'". This is the first single off of his upcoming album, Lasers, scheduled to drop later this year. Hope ya'll enjoy this.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Posted by Tommy D 2 comments
You should be here...
From here on out
my conversations will be tangled
and wet - refusing dryers
for discomfort- til I become
Monday, April 5, 2010
Posted by Tommy D 1 comments
I Just Can't Explain This Shit at All
I will sacrifice myself upon a train of bed bombs,
lie flat
while each tick transforms the formation of my heartbeats
to the pulsating of countdowns. Thinking backwards,
I know this all too well
and most times
I erupt from fear
as if my flesh were an alarm clock -
smelling of chemical concoctions and conditions
cocked like gun shots, shower sprayed explosion.
My body's the exposition of embarrassment
centered positioned off the exquisite,
unbelonging to the collection of these marble
sculptures, and sandstoned statues.
Each stare is reminiscent of Medusa;
and then I kill,
without hesitation-
each neck sliced definitely, sculpted perfectly
in the name of justice
by the waist-side
I do not care for justice.
As it is born, I will die.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by Tommy D 0 comments